360 degree tour of the El Ghriba synagog on the isle of AJerba Tunisia
El Ghriba synagog on the isle of AJerba Tunisia
Many Jews escaped Israel in 600 BC and went here.
Here is a 360 degree tour of the El Ghriba synagog on the isle of AJerba Tunisia . I chose this as a starting point but you can literally walk through the whole building.
Does anyone have more information about what the artifact above the table is?
Djerba in the 1940 was home to over 100,000 jews and is still home to around 1,300 Jews, and El Ghriba is an important feature of Jewish life on the largest island in Tunisia. According to ancient accounts, the synagogue's construction goes back to the High Priests' escape following the destruction of Solomon's Temple by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar II in the year 586 B.C.